
Projects & Collaborators

National Geographic Society funded the foundational research and education necessary needed to establish Masungi Georeserve’s sense of place. This was supplemented with exploration in surrounding areas that allowed us to discovery other geosites of significance in the aim of achieving a geopark. The National Geographic Society continuously lends valuable support, guidance and community to the project. 


Masungi Georeserve intends to share its learnings in visitor management and reach scale in doing so through the development of a destination management application for communities and destination stewards. Through the application, destination managers will be able to consistently implement visitor guidelines, deliver conservation agreements, and systematically collate data vital for operational and policy decision-making., one of the largest travel-technology companies in the world lends, provides support and guidance in achieving this. 


Waves for Water has supplied and continuously raised funds to provide clean drinking water for the communities surrounding Masungi. Water is a vital resource that is fastly compromised when forests are devastated. Waves for Water helps us mitigate the impact on communities as we restore areas. 


In a hallmark move to affirm the army’s commitment to environment conservation, integrity, and local stewardship, the 80th Infantry Batallion  and 2nd Infantry Division, under the exemplary leadership of General Parayno, Kernel Teofilo, Kernel Villareal and Col. Ragudo, are now partners for the protection of the Masungi Georeserve. Especially in rural areas away from city centers, enforcement of the law and government services lack in presence. The military fills in a critical void through this partnership.


EDC-BINHI The BINHI project aims to mainstream and protect the native tree species of the Philippines. It encompasses an ambitious initiative to build living libraries of native premium tree species across safe sanctuaries in the country. The group provides input for efficient forest restoration and has donated hundreds of premium tree species to Masungi Georeserve for safekeeping. 


AIM Center for Sustainability The AIM Center for Sustainability conducts research on sustainable tourism in Masungi Georeserve and enables linkages with world-class practitioners from inside the country and beyond in the areas of sustainable tourism, geotourism, and geoparks. Masteral Students from around the world are also hosted by AIM and Masungi in the area for case practice and framework sharing.


The Wild Bird Club of the Philippines promotes the appreciation of our avian friends and the responsible enjoyment of nature. In addition to supplying knowledge of birds and actively participating in trainings for Masungi Georeserve park rangers, the organisation conducts regular bird surveys inside Masungi Georeserve documenting the presence of different species within.


Through the initiative of Rolando Pena, the UP-GAA conducted exploration and data gathering on the rock formations in Masungi Georeserve and its surrounding areas. Their wide and welcoming support has led to a deeper understanding of the earth heritage of the area both locally and internationally.  The organisation is a leading academic body  in the push for geoparks in the country. 


The Forest Foundation Philippines was born in 2002 under two bilateral agreements between the governments of the United States of America and the Philippines through the US Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA). The group aims to empower organisations and people in protecting the Philippine forests from the challenges and threats that it faces today. Projects with Masungi Georeserve span conservation communications, learning experiences for practitioners, among others.


The IUCN Panorama is a platform showcasing replicable and inspiring solutions over a variety of development topics. It is a knowledge-base for those who intend to strengthen their impact in conservation and sustainable development towards a healthy planet. Masungi Georeserve is a solution-provider and seeker in this global platform to do good.